Let’s take care of some burning questions to help you know more about what to expect.

Do you offer prints, frames and albums?

Absolutely! I use Queenberry for these services. If you’re interested in prints, frames, photo-books or albums - let me know and we can talk about how to make these part of your package.
You can also order these after the session via your gallery.

I don’t like myself in photos. You’ll photoshop me right?

If you have a particular concern, we can chat about this. However, I prefer to focus on helping you feel relaxed and carefree during your photoshoot with gentle guidance (and mindful poses) so that you feel the best about yourself and it reflects in the images.

What do we/I wear?

This can depend on the style of shoot, which we can discuss. As a general rule, light or neutral tones work best visually. I love clothes that allow for movement and comfort, dresses or flowy items are amazing in a breeze. However, if you feel your best wearing something different - wear that!

How do I book?

Feel free to reach out to me through the contact form or on my mobile. We can discuss potential dates for your shoot, and I'll follow up with an email to confirm the details, including the required deposit to secure your booking.

Change in plans, what we can we do?

Life happens, and if you need to reschedule your booking, I completely understand. We can find a new time, and any payments made will be transferred to the new booking. If you decide to cancel within two weeks of your session, I'll refund your money, but if it's within two weeks, the deposit will be retained, and any additional payments will be refunded.

Do you offer payment plans?

Certainly! Let's discuss how much and how often you'd like to pay. Typically, this involves a deposit and agreed-upon amounts and frequencies thereafter. The balance must be settled one week before the booking date.

How long until we see the photos?

I usually send 2-5 previews within 24 hours, allowing you to enjoy the excitement. Galleries are ready for online viewing within 2 weeks of the session.

Will you share my images online?

While I'd love to showcase your beautiful images online, your comfort is my priority. I'll always check with you when sending preview images to confirm if you're okay with sharing them online.

What if it’s raining?

I'll do a weather check the day before or the morning of the session. If the weather doesn't align with the adventure you're after, we'll arrange an alternative time. Some of the most stunning light can be captured when the skies are dramatic!

I love all of the images not just the ones included in my booking, how can I have them all?

You can choose to pay an additional $25 per image or upgrade your package to receive all edited digital files (at least 100) for $400.